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Attention! X-CSL-Package are compatible for X-IvAp 0.4.x and Altitude Pilot Client. Not compatible with other multiplayer clients.

How to use X-CSL-Updater:
1. Download zip-archive (dmg-image for MacOS) according of your OS.
2. Unpack folder to any place.
3. Run the program:
* for Windows-> Start X-CSL-Updater.exe;
* for Linux-> to start X-CSL-Updater (don't forget set permission to execute).
* for Mac-> Run X-CSL-Updater.dmg to run installation. Drag and drop X-CSL-Updater icon to Applications icon. Run X-CSL-Updater from your application's folder.
4. Press "Browse" and select location of the X-Plane executable - X-Plane.exe for Windows, X-Plane-x86_64 for Linux, X-Plane.app for MacOS.
5. Press "Index". Will be executed compare installed models and existing on our server.
6. When indexing is completed, in the "Status" column to each package will be indicated what a package need to update.
7. For update select a package (or select multiple packages by hold Ctrl-key or Command) and then press "Update".

Downloads for ALTITUDE Pilot Client (for version 1.9.20 and above):

Downloads for X-IvAp Pilot Client (and ALTITUDE Pilot Client version 1.9.19b and below):

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